Beyond the Raging Sea: A Documentary Fiasco Turned Lesson on Empathy and Privilege

2 min read

Documentary Review: Beyond the Raging Sea


In this documentary review, we explore a film that centers around the journey of two Egyptian entrepreneurs, Omar Nour and Omar Samra, who took on the challenging Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge in 2017. The film initially seems to focus on this adventure, but eventually touches on the experiences of refugees and boat people in its final minutes.

Main Storyline

Nour and Samra's voyage across the Atlantic quickly turned into a dangerous ordeal as their boat capsized after just nine days. A chaotic rescue followed, highlighting the risks they faced during the challenge. Despite the tense situation portrayed in the film, the audience is aware of the men's survival as they are interviewed post-event.

Reflection on Refugees

Although the documentary aims to draw a parallel between the entrepreneurs' harrowing experience and that of refugees, there are notable differences in resources and background. Nour and Samra had advanced technology and safety measures at their disposal, unlike impoverished refugees fleeing from war-torn regions. The film prompts viewers to ponder on the genuineness of the duo's newfound empathy for refugees and the actions they have taken beyond their documented journey.

Implications and Recommendations

As "Beyond the Raging Sea" hits UK cinemas from 19 April, it leaves room for introspection on whether a deeper exploration of the protagonists' transformation and their ongoing efforts in supporting refugee causes would have added a more profound layer to the narrative.


The documentary, while initially centered on a daring Atlantic challenge, attempts to shed light on the experiences of refugees. It raises thought-provoking questions about empathy, privilege, and genuine advocacy.

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